Audrey Evans works in gouache, pastel and watercolour. Her subject matter is landscape, particularly that of the Penwith peninsula and her work is based on direct observation. She is a keen draughtswoman and wood engraver.
Audrey Evans was born in Sidcup in SE London but her family moved to Margate Kent during the war years eventually being evacuated to Canbrook in the Kent countryside. Audrey attended Margate and Thanet Art School and met her husband Bernard at the London University Institute of Education in the mid 1950s - during guitar a lessen - they married in 1957. Audrey lived in Louth near Lincoln, Darlington in Co Durham, Winsford in Cheshire, Keyworth in Notts before moving to Cornwall in Sept 1976. Audrey has been a member of the Newlyn Society of Artists since the 1980s. From 1977 to 2004 Audrey worked with Bernard organising and teaching at the Mounts Bay Arts Centre from their home and studio in Newlyn at Faugan House (previously called Trevatha). Audrey taught watercolour and drawing at art classes for visiting artists during this period. They specalised in teaching landscape painting in West Cornwall and gave classes in the large studio which adjoins the main house.
Audrey has travelled widely with Bernard where they have both painted in the USA, Italy, Oman, Spain, Germany, Belgium, France, Holland and South Africa.
Audrey plays the double bass and other instruments for the Newlyn Reelers and Golowan Band and is a choir singer in the Penzance Choral Society. Audrey participates in the local festivals of Mazey Day and Montol along with other band members. Audrey is also a keen supporter of Amnesty International and helps out with charities for homeless people in Penzance. Audrey is active painting and sketching with her latest works posted in this site.
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